Friday, December 24, 2010

We're here!

We made it to Australia- we are staying in Perth (on the west coast).  The past few days we’ve be getting acquainted with the town and the people, etc. A lot is different here, but a lot is the same too.  Communication is interesting.  Sometimes we have no idea what people are saying!  And sometimes people don’t know what we’re saying! So much to get used to.  We’re going to have to adapt and start saying things like ‘We need to hire a flat’ or ‘I have to use the loo.’  

There are some dangers here that we'll have to get used to as well: spiders, sharks, blue ringed octopi, snakes.  And with crossing the street, making sure to look the right way because it's all opposite here since they drive on the other side.   

And we're proud to say that just in our first week here, we’ve already gotten to see Kangaroos!  That was pretty awesome.  There was a big group of them grazing in a golf course close to sundown.   We were able to get pretty close to them without them caring too much.  We saw kangaroos of all sizes, and mama kangaroos carrying joeys.  We made sure not to go near the big, 7 foot kangaroo.  

We also saw some black swans and cockatoos.  And I was very amused by these sleeping ducks because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a duck sleep, and they turn their heads backwards and tuck their beaks into their feathers. We also got to go to the beach!  Scarborough and Cottlesloe beaches which were some of the best beaches we’ve ever seen. 


black swans

Scarborough Beach
sleeping duck

a mama kangaroo with a joey in her pouch

downtown Perth

we're so close to them!

they walk on the left side too

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