Sunday, December 19, 2010


We got to eat/drink coconuts!

Our biggest worries in Fiji seemed to be watching out for falling coconuts and trying not to get sun burned!

Our flight to Fiji from the US was about 11 hours. When we arrived, it was hot and humid and we got on a boat that took us out to the smaller island we were staying at. When we got there, we had to get on a smaller boat that took us into shore where the people were playing guitar and singing “bula, bula, bula” to welcome us. They immediately sat us down and gave us tropical drinks.

Christmas Fiji style

our little shaded spot we hung out at a lot

We participated in a kava ceremony. Kava is a drink that is an important part of Fijian culture. The guy who lead the ceremony called me and Jeff ‘Chief’ and ‘Mrs. Chief’. He told us we had to ‘shoot it down like tequila (although it's not alcohol).‘ He mixed it all up in this special wooden bowl and served it up to us in half coconut shells. When we drank it, it made our tongues numb and our lips tingled. We got headaches and felt kinda funny after drinking 2 shots of kava, and started wondering “what do they put in that stuff?”

here we are, shooting it down


We were so pale on arrival, but we were still pretty pale by the end of the week.

One day, we took sea kayaks and paddled around the island and docked on a deserted beach to explore. We got back in our kayaks when we saw huge bats flying around.

This is where we got to eat breakfast everyday.

The lobby and the restaurants are all open air, no walls, so we can enjoy the view at all times. Whenever we come across someone, they always say “bula!” which means hello in Fijian.


We made friends with a stray kitten on the island.

the pool
Our room has a little water dish outside it to clean our feet off because most people walk everywhere barefoot, which we gladly do too.
our hut

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics Heathy and Jeff! Since we are in the midst of a killer snow storm your pictures are helping to thaw us out over here in snowy NC! We have almost a foot of snow--hope that thought keeps you nice and cool in the summer temps down under! Have fun on your most excellent adventure!
