Friday, September 30, 2011

Ice Climbing

We went ice climbing on the Fox Glacier.  It was a unique experience, it’s not everyday you get to do something like that.

I loved seeing the glacier so up close, actually getting to be on it and explore, rather than just looking at it from a distance. 

Walking around on a glacier was pretty cool, and climbing it was even better. 
There was a pale blue tint to the ice and you could see and hear the trickling of the melting water run-off.  We had to be careful not to fall into any of the holes in the ice because they were so deep that when you tried to look down them, you couldn’t even see the bottom. 

A cave that had formed in the glacier

We learned pretty quickly, and were climbing some challenging stuff by the end of the day.  Here's Jeff at the top of his climb.
using an ice pic is fun!
A shallow pool of melted glacier water that had been colored by some of the minerals in the glacier.... pretty amazing
The glacier from farther away.  It looks pretty dirty!

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