Sunday, August 21, 2011


We did it! We completed our Australian tour!  It only took us about 3 months :)

We had a great time driving around Tasmania in our campervan taking in the damp, green, sheep filled scenery, stopping at lots of small, pleasant towns and farms.  We went to a dairy farm for some cheese, a berry farm for Devonshire Tea (scones with cream and jam- very delicious), a vineyard for some wine, and we even went to a pub on a farm.  We did some really nice hikes too.  After our hike to a place called Wineglass Bay, we made friends with a wallaby who I think would have jumped in our van and became our pet if we invited her to.  She kept sneaking up closer and closer to us and hung around watching us for about a half hour or so until we left.  Incidentally, a few nights later, we did have a big black possum jump in our van and it did not want to come out. Other marsupials we encountered were the wombat and the tasmanian devil.  We saw the chubby little wombat eating some grass near our campground and it didn't seem to mind us getting up close.  And since the tasmanian devil is endangered, we had little chance of spotting one while out on a hike, so we went to a conservation center to see them.  They make some of the most entertaining growling noises; they are so ferociously adorable.  Overall, it was a great trip around Tasmania.
This is what we toured around in.  I thought it was funny that it had a huge picture of a tasmanian devil on it.

This is what much of our scenery looked like during our drive around Tasmania

We went to a pub on a farm that had beer drinking pigs

That same farm also had ponies, but they weren't beer drinking ponies,  just regular ponies

We hiked to Wineglass Bay  

A wallaby on the beach

a wombat
a tasmanian devil

hiking Cradle Mountain National Park

hiking to the waterfalls at Mount Field National Park

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