Sunday, July 3, 2011

Swimming with the Whale Sharks

We had the amazing opportunity to go swimming with these behemoth creatures in the open sea, and we never thought anything like that would be possible, but it is! The way it worked was a spotter plane flew around looking for whale sharks swimming near the surface of the water and then as soon as they spotted one, our boat took us over to that area and we jumped in with our snorkel gear and caught up to it so we could swim alongside them as they cruise around.  They are not the kind of shark that eats people, so we weren’t in danger.  We did spot some tiger sharks from the boat, but we didn’t try to swim with them :)

having some fun with the whale shark statue

this one is opening its mouth to feed

1 comment:

  1. great pictures!! Safe travels, and blessings to the both of you--we miss you!
