Monday, May 2, 2011

Esperance, Part Deux

Since our last blog entry we had the opportunity to eat shark, and we are planning on trying crocodile at some point!  Hopefully that doesn't make sharks and crocodiles want to eat us too.  Also, we've planned our trips to some other countries: Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, and Samoa, and we booked our flights back to the US in October.  

During Easter holidays this past week, we went back down to Esperance to camp at Cape Le Grande and Cape Arid National Parks.  We did a lot of relaxing, swimming, and hiking. On one of our hikes, we came across a funny coincidence. When we climbed to the top of Frenchman's Peak at Cape Le Grand, there were actually French people up there hanging out!  

We really enjoyed our week of camping at the National Parks here.  One thing thats interesting about camping in Australia is that we awake to the sights and sounds of magpies, ravens, cockatoos, and parakeets rather than birds that we're used to like robins, crows, or sparrows.  And when we're driving, instead of worrying about deer running out into the road, we're looking for kangaroos and emus.  

Finally, here's the highlight of the trip: We went to this really pretty cove (pictured above) for a swim, and as we were wading into the water, we came across a pod of about 10 dolphins (roughly 50 feet away from us).  We ran down the beach, following them as they swam down the coast line and we watched them actually surf the waves!  We weren't able to take a picture of it, but we found a picture of what it looked like:
It was the most incredible thing we've seen since we've been here.  I never thought I would ever see anything as cool as that!  

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